Saturday, December 12, 2009

Merry Christmas

We would like to take this oppertunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Hopefully many of you recieved our Christmas card in the mail and actually logged on to check out our family blog! We have had a great year with many changes, lots of adventures and awesome travels and most of all we have been very blessed. I have to warn you many of my post are not in order, I am still trying to figure out this blog thing! If you have a blog address please post it so we can catch up with each other.
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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Miah's Baptism (six months later)

Miah Hawker's Baptism Day
Last June Miah was Baptised, what a great day. Here are some of my favorite pictures, clearly not in any particular order. I am still trying to figure out this whole blog thing :)
Me and Stella
My dad, other wise known as Grandpa Charlie with me and my siblings. Brad, Mark and Anna.

My mom, other wise known as Grandma Lori with her children.
This is a great picture, here we have my Grandpa and Grandma Green. They are my moms parents. Also we have Sarah, Brads darling girlfriend.

A family picture, we are a strange and dysfunctional group. What can I say I love them all so dang much. My children are so blessed to have so many people to love them.

Miah and Anna! This was a big week for these to girls. Anna graduated from Alta High two days before Miah's baptism, it was an awesome week!

I LOVE this picture of all the Hawker cousins, what a great group of kids. Craig's family is always so supportive of us. They all drove out from Colorado Springs for the graduation and the baptism.

Our little family

Proud Parents

What is so great about this picture is that Craig did not want a picture of them looking at each other. He was fighting us about it, then he finally gave in and look how cute it tuned out.

Miah was baptised with two other girls from our ward. It so happens that they are all great friends, we were so happy to share this great day with them.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Last March we went to Disney World with Craig's family. We had the best time, it really is a magical place.

Craig and Quinn with Captain Jack Sparrow hats. Pirates was one of Quinn's favorite rides.

Miah and Lauren with Tinker Bell, Craig waited for two hours with them to meet her. The girls said it was worth it, Craig however did not!

This was my most favorite thing we did on our trip. All the girls went to Cinderella's castle for breakfast. We had the best time!

All the girls waiting to meet the princess's.

Quinn and Cousin Jackson meeting Handy Maney.

Well I have to say the DisneyWorld was a huge adventure for our family. Four kids eight and under and a nursing baby made for many crazy moments. I told the kids we won't be going back for 8-10 years.

Time to Catch Up (story of my life)

This year I tried really hard to keep up on my blog. Some months went better then others and we are entering December and I realized that I missed many awesome events of 2009. So over the next few days I am going to be going back and posting some pics from earlier in the year. I want to start 2010 with a fresh start and again hope for the same thing. That I can keep up on my blog :)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Halloween! Attack of the Cave People

This year for Halloween I was able to convince my children to dress up as the same thing. I am not sure how much longer I will have that kind of control. I spent twenty dollars at the fabric store and a few hours sewing and I came up with some pretty fun costumes. Oh and don't forget the bottle of hairspray!
Stella was so darling, or should I say Pebbles?
There is going to be a gun show at the cave tonight! Check out those muscles.

Lauren was a WILD Cave women, she fits the part!

Miah wanted something a bit more sophisticated, she wanted to be a Cave Queen.

Meet Wolverine and Dr. Jean Gray of X-Men. We were invited to a Halloween party this year, I was really worried that Craig would throw a fit about dressing up. Okay he had a minor fit and then really came through for me in the end. He looked amazing and we had a great time.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Principal Pride

Every few weeks Draper Elementary has Principal Pride. It is an award presented to a few students who have done great work on a project. Miah was selected for her math graph. Way to go Miah!

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Monday, September 21, 2009

Happy 19th Birthday Anna!!

Today is my beautiful little sisters birthday! She is turning 19, I can't even believe it. One of my favorite memories is the day she was born. I was ten years old and in fifth grade. I can remember walking into the hospital room to see her, my mom said " Liz come and meet your new little sister." I started to cry I was so happy. We new she was going to be a girl but I was so worried that it was a mistake and I would be stuck with another little brother. The thought of another brother was almost more then my ten year old heart could bare. If you know my little brother's you can understand this perfectly :)

I was the luckiest girl in the world, I was blessed with a little baby sister. Anna may be ten years younger then me, but I always have loved her with all my heart. So when Anna needed a place to go, I was so happy to take my crazy 15 year old little baby sister into my home and family. It was challenging at times, but such an honor to help raise such a wonderful person. The time has gone so fast and know she is in college, and moving on.

Anna, our family loves you so much and we miss you more than you know. Thank you for being one of my best friends, my wing man, travel partner and the best little sister in the world. I love you and happy birthday!

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Monday, September 14, 2009


Anna just wrote me message on Facebook about how sad she is she is not in any of our blog pictures. So in honor of her 19th birthday which in one week, here are some of my favorite pictures of Anna! Anna, we love you and miss so much and we would never want you to feel left out.:) I know we have had a lot of birthday's, they are almost over.

I think we all can agree that Anna should have been Bella.

Hmm, know she is looking like Captain Jack Sparrow.

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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Quinn's 4th Birthday, Hooray!!

Quinn's turned four today! He is know a "big boy." He started pre-school, got a brand new booster seat, and will start to play soccer in the spring. The possibilities are endless when a kid turns four. I can't wait to see what awesome things Quinn gets to do (or put me through) this next year.

Since Quinn's birthday was on a Sunday this year. We decided to go to Fat Cats for bowling and Pizza on Saturday. We had a blast! Anna was the big winner (Craig was not happy) and Grandma Lori lost big time with a low of 17! The music was loud, the pizza was delicious and the company was so fun.

Okay, I found it very fitting that Quinn did not have his shirt on for his little party. Quinn loves to take of his shirt, in fact he spent most of the summer with it off. He really ended up with a great tan and killer highlights in his hair. I don't know what to say about the fact that he will not look at the camera for a picture, it is driving me crazy.
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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Quinn Through The Years!

Quinn our only son, turns four this week! In honor of his birthday here are some of my favorite pictures of him.
It has been an adventure raising this boy!

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