Monday, September 14, 2009


Anna just wrote me message on Facebook about how sad she is she is not in any of our blog pictures. So in honor of her 19th birthday which in one week, here are some of my favorite pictures of Anna! Anna, we love you and miss so much and we would never want you to feel left out.:) I know we have had a lot of birthday's, they are almost over.

I think we all can agree that Anna should have been Bella.

Hmm, know she is looking like Captain Jack Sparrow.

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White's said...

We love love love you Anna and miss you so! I love the pictures, and it is really funny, that when I read Twilight I totally pictured YOU!! That is just too weird!

Nicole said...

Anna - you are too cute no matter what picture you are in! I hope your 19th Birthday is amazing!